Tag Archives: ahumanintraining

Building Strength In Four Powerful And Simple Steps

Working to build up your strength and need a booster? Try this. Building Strength In Four Powerful And Simple Steps. A Human In Training.

How To Be Strong When You Don’t Want To Be

I learned early on that “faking it until you make it” wasn’t bad advice. This is why.

How To Build Confidence In Children

All I wanted is for my daughter to have it better than I did. But when her teacher said her confidence was low, I knew I needed to get to work.

What Do I Do With My Life?

Everyone has a reason for why they embark on a certain path. It’s their why. And it carries them forward.

Reflections Of My Life As A Badass

One year since I quit my job, and I think I can say it. I’m a badass.

I Want To Change, But Also I Don’t.

I want to change things in order to achieve my goals, but I don’t want to change all of the things.

How To Self-Care And Be Productive When Working From Home

Guest post from Georgi Todorov of DigitalNovas about the importance of making self-care a priority while working from home.