How Do You Determine Your Self-Worth?
Kristyn Meyer is on a journey to make herself the best human that she can be. These posts are a reflection of that. She welcomes your support via reading and through commissioned affiliate links within her posts! To stay up to date on all of her shenanigans, please subscribe to her email list! (psst…there’s a free gift involved)
So how exactly is self-worth determined?
Short answer? By you.
YOU determine your self-worth, also known as your self-esteem.
How, you ask?
Because YOU are the one who places value on different aspects of life. YOU determine what areas are of importance, therefore YOU make the decision as to whether or not your strengths are items of value or not.
Do you follow me?
To break it down, the definition of self-esteem and self-worth is confidence in one’s own worth or abilities; self-respect. (per the Google)
When you think of things that are valuable in everyday life, do they overlap with the strengths that you possess? If so, how do you determine what those things are? What makes them something of value to you?
And if they don’t overlap…well, that’s a different conversation for another day. 😉
There are so many areas that people place value on. Some have their sights and minds focused on looks or body image. Others on material items or financial status. And for many, the value of themselves and others is often based on intelligence.
People who base their worth on intelligence often pride themselves on their good grades, wonderful study habits, and powerful test scores. And this is absolutely fine.
It is absolutely fine unless that same person finds themself in a room full of genius-level people and suddenly feels less than.
In that instance, even though just five minutes earlier you felt that you possessed a high intellectual capability, now you may feel like a fraud due to being surrounded by those with a higher level of intelligence. You may start to think that you really weren’t all that smart to begin with, or that you should have worked harder than what you did all those years. Thoughts like: “clearly I could have been even smarter if I had just worked harder,” may penetrate your mind.
And why?
All because you found yourself in a room with people who knew more about certain things than what you did and you began comparing yourself to them.
This is just not acceptable. That is not positive self-esteem. It is situational low self-esteem, where you feel respect towards yourself in something until you are confronted with situations that challenge what you determine to be your strengths.
You respected yourself for your high intellect until you were around those who appeared smarter than you. At that juncture, you started to spiral into feeling down about your self-worth and importance.
Not good.

So let’s look closer at the situation.
Maybe that room that you were in was full of neuroscientists. Those neuroscientists had gone to school for that specific subject for many years. They eat, breathe, and sleep neuroscience.
But you? You went to school for business. And in your field, you excel. You can direct a company that is on the brink of failure in the direction of great profit.
The neuroscientists? They can’t do that.
But you can.
Your intelligence is business-focused. Theirs is neuroscience. Both of you are rockstars at what you do. They are not better than you because their knowledge is in a different subject, just like you are not better than them.
One needs to be confident in what they do possess, and also in their ability to know their chosen subject or field of study. Approaching those educated differently than you with a sense of intimidation shows how fragile our self-esteem can truly be.
But the bottom line is that we can not let outside sources determine our worth. We know our own value internally, and we need not waver in it. That room of neuroscientists does not get to dictate your self-esteem. Not one person in this world is perfect at any one thing.
Not one single person.
Everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. Walking into a room where there are people who possess a higher IQ than what you do does not make you less than. It gives you the ability to gain different perspectives in different areas of life. You have more opportunities to learn about their chosen subjects, or even learn more about things that you already know.
Because we don’t know everything. We are all works in progress.
And when you open your mouth to talk, it is almost a guarantee that you will have the knowledge inside of you to teach them a thing or two as well. Because even with their high IQ’s and their impressive backgrounds, they also do not know everything. And just like you are interested in learning about different subjects, so are they.
So get out there and strike up the conversation. When they ask you what you do for a living, stand tall and tell them. Be proud of what you do, and let the confidence shine through.
Because you know what?
By exuding confidence and selling yourself, your ability, and your knowledge, it’s quite likely to resonate with them and others. And as a result, in the event that one of those neuroscientists finds themselves in a business jam with one of their practices, they will turn to someone who they think is an expert in the field. And from the conversation they had with you, they will reach first to you for help. Because you were confident in your abilities and yourself, which makes them confident in you as well.
In the end, we have to determine our self-worth based on our own internal values and items of importance. As hard as it is, we need to continually remind ourselves that our self-esteem is not dictated by individual situations. We make the decisions when it comes to us. The only voice that matters in the end, as it relates to our worthiness, is within our own selves. And that needs to be remembered.

I think a lot of people take knowing this in this social media era for granted. It’s important that we instill that we determine our own self worth is very important.
It’s definitely important to all of us to know that we are still in the process of learning and take some time to think about what you said – that we are enough. I really enjoyed reading this post, it’s a great confidence boost, thank you.
I love this. I am always working on having a better self worth. Sometimes I can be so mean to myself.
I try to follow this but am always a work in progress. Some days it is easier than others.
Knowing your worth really does make all the difference! It is something I have definitely had to, and continue to have to, work on. Reading this was a really important reminder that it comes from within!
This is a great reminder. Honestly, comparison is one of the biggest barriers to self love and confidence, and yet it’s SO easy to fall into that trap. Especially with the prevalence of social media where everyone is sharing their highs and their wins, but leaving out their struggles and setbacks. If you’re comparing someone’s highlight reel to your full movie, it’s clear which is going to look better!
My self worth is not based on being the smartest or the prettiest. It is based on that I love myself
Believing in myself is what determines my self worth. I am confident in what i possess, not caring what people think about me. Thank you for this interesting article.
I’ve always based my own self worth on my success and uniqueness because I excel at being me and there ain’t no one else who can do that!
Self-esteem is important because it heavily influences people’s choices and decisions. In other words, self-esteem serves a motivational function by making it more or less likely that people will take care of themselves and explore their full potential.
I love that you mention that we are all works in progress because it is so true. No one is perfect and we all have things we struggle with. Such a great piece.
The key factor that determines your self-worth is you. It is very dangerous when we place that on somebody else’s hands. We are all a work-in-progress for as long as we are alive. We can always build on our own worth. And God sees us as worthy.
I love this! Nothing and no one else but you can decide how much you are worth or how you should be treated! Stand up for yourselves, ladies!
What an excellent reminder and tool to use for your little ones. I talk about this stuff with my neices and nephews all the time and really appreciate your verbiage.
Love this…it is so true and amazing..self worth can only determine by you..and its very true that only we can make us a better person.. everything is in our hand the need is to just know our own importance…coz when we give value to ourself then others will automatically value us…
I like how you explain self worth in a business point of view including the self-esteem point of view
Very interesting post. It’s so interesting how different people are. Some people are very full of themselves and others struggle with self worth. It’s a great article. Thanks for sharing!
It is not easy and in my opinion it is really a training born from the experience, time and self-determination of every single person.
Definitely self worth is something which is very important in everyone’s life and we should determine it ourselves and shouldn’t let anyone involve in it.
Im not very good to myself to be honest. I need to start appreciate myself and love myself more
It is not easy! But being positive helps so much!
I’m currently re-wiring my brain to remove ‘weight’ & ‘achievement’ as a measuring tool for my self-worth. I’m learning to accept myself and see that I am worthy, no matter my size etc.
I wish I could believe in myself a bit more. I used to be quite a confident person and knew my self-worth, but as I’ve gotten older I’ve started doubting myself a lot more 🙁
Louise x
as they say our mind is our worst enemy. i am working on removing negative thoughts.
This is really important. We really have to know our worth and make a stand based on what it is or else some people may start taking advantage
This is really good article. Knowing your worth is really important.
It is a basic thing I teach my children. No matter how perfect the life of some people may seem, there is always something he/she doesn’t have. Everyone has his/her own strengths and weaknesses. This makes the playing field equal. It is how you use these gifts and maximize the opportunities in front of you that will spell success or failure. It also helps to remind yourself I am Enough. If at times I make mistakes and fail, it is ok. It is easier said than done but forgiving oneself does a lot in having a healthy sense of self-worth.
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