Life Lessons

What If You Had It All?

We all dream of “having it all”. But what is that exactly? What if you had it all? Would you be happy?

Amy Schumer And Her Hilarious/Provocative Confidence

Celebrating strong people is something that needs to be done often. This woman is at the top. Amy Schumer and her confidence!

Comfort Zones Have Nothing On Me! My Latest Life Push.

I wanted to fulfill this goal of mine, but was too nervous to do it. But I did. Comfort Zones Have Nothing On Me! My Latest Life Push.

Building Strength In Four Powerful And Simple Steps

Working to build up your strength and need a booster? Try this. Building Strength In Four Powerful And Simple Steps. A Human In Training.

How To Be Strong When You Don’t Want To Be

I learned early on that “faking it until you make it” wasn’t bad advice. This is why.

How To Build Confidence In Children

All I wanted is for my daughter to have it better than I did. But when her teacher said her confidence was low, I knew I needed to get to work.

What Do I Do With My Life?

Everyone has a reason for why they embark on a certain path. It’s their why. And it carries them forward.