The Drive To Know
Kristyn Meyer is on a journey to make herself the best human that she can be. These posts are a reflection of that. She welcomes your support via reading and through commissioned affiliate links within her posts! To stay up to date on all of her shenanigans, please subscribe to her email list! (psst…there’s a free gift involved)
The day my mom died, I knew I would see her again. With all the good she did for the world, I knew that she had a non-stop ticket to Heaven, and one day I would hug her again.
Yet, over the years, I’ve wanted to know the specifics of how it will all go down. I’m a planner, and always have been. And apparently, I believe I will continue that behavior in the afterlife.
So throughout the years, I have gone back to this thought processing. What will happen in my first few moments in Heaven? Is there a specific process? Will Mom be the first person I see?
It will happen when I’m alone with my thoughts, when I zone out, or more recently, when my children ask what Heaven is like.
My youngest especially has taken a particular interest in Heaven and what awaits him. And this child doesn’t just throw out one question; he has an entire list that he would like answers to. What started with asking how we get to Heaven, then continued with him asking where it is, what we do there, why we go there, and on and on and on…
He’s four. There’s no shortage of talking these days.
I do my best to respond to him, but I don’t have all the answers. And then, about a week ago, I saw that the movie “Heaven Is For Real” was recorded. I had set our system to record it the next time it played on YouTube TV, and it finally had the opportunity to do so. I read the book a while back and wanted to see how the movie compared. The film is never as good as the book, but I wanted the chance to see that for myself.
Then I thought about another movie we watched shortly after moving into our current house – “Miracles From Heaven.” Remembering that movie and seeing the newly recorded programming set me off on a research spree.
I spent the next while watching videos of testimonials from individuals who had died and come back to life and their experience while in Heaven. These videos led to me borrowing “90 Minutes In Heaven” from the library’s digital loan program, and I’ve just continued down this rabbit hole ever since.
Do you know what’s interesting? The similarities in the stories. There are definite things that are consistent in the accounts I have heard.
- Vibrant Colors
- Communicating Without Speaking
- The Feeling of Unconditional Love
- The Presence of God as Light
- Beautiful Flowers and Trees
- An Overwhelming Feeling of Peace and Contentedness
The Drive To Know
But you know what characteristic of Heaven I continually hear in all the different stories I have reviewed? The one that brings me the most incredible amount of joy?
The individuals who found themselves in Heaven, albeit briefly, were greeted by those who loved them and guided them throughout their life on Earth and went to Heaven before them.
All of my questions and concerns, all that I had the drive to get answered, as ridiculous as they were –
Will I have to go looking for her?
How will I know it’s her?
Will she look different?
Have been answered. My mama will be right there, waiting for me, whenever my time comes to join her. As crazy as it sounds, because I have no intention or desire to leave what I have here on Earth, this brings me a huge sense of calm. And also a bit of excitement. Knowing that I will have immediate access to the person I miss most in this world, that she will be waiting for me and excited to see me.
Even though you always hear “you’ll see them again,” it doesn’t seem to fill the void and satisfy the wonder you have. But hearing the experiences of others, and seeing the same things repeated over and over again consistently, really brings comfort.
As my four-year-old told me recently, “when we get to Heaven, we will have a party with Grandma Sue!”
Indeed we will, son. Indeed we will.

You have a way with words.