Have You Created A Positive Space For Your Life, Dreams, And Goals?
Kristyn Meyer is on a journey to make herself the best human that she can be. These posts are a reflection of that. She welcomes your support via reading and through commissioned affiliate links within her posts! To stay up to date on all of her shenanigans, please subscribe to her email list! (psst…there’s a free gift involved)
“Instead of indulging in social comparisons, start comparing what you are today with what you were yesterday and the day before. This way, you’ll find positivity within and around you, which will inspire you to radiate it.” Dr Prem Jagyasi
It’s impossible to be motivated all the time.
I know this because I’ve yet to meet one human, ever in my lifetime, that springs out of bed with 100% motivation and ambition to crush their goals every single day.
Some days? Yeah. A lot of days? Sure.
Every day though? No way.
But there are things we can put in place to turn to when we are struggling to be motivated. These are things that are easy to access when you are in a time of need. Additionally, they aren’t things that you have to go searching for. Finally, with these things, you can change your mindset in just a short, effortless period of time.
What are these things, you say? I would be remiss if I didn’t share some ideas, and especially what works best for me!
So here we go! These are the things that help me create a positive space, both physically and mentally, to achieve my goals and dreams.
“Surround yourself with people that inspire and encourage positive change in your life. Build a team in which you can work together to support each other and build better lives.” Avina Celeste
Positive Space Ideas
Motivational Pinterest Board – You can do this one of two ways. You can create your own board with things that inspire you, motivate you, or even that just make you laugh. Whatever helps you out, put it on there. Similarly, you can bookmark some users or boards that pertain to the topic you are trying to conquer or make gains in. For instance, A Human In Training is on Pinterest; perhaps some of our boards will do that for you!
"Surround yourself with people who make you happy. People who make you laugh, who help you when you’re in need. People who genuinely care. They are the ones worth keeping in your life. Everyone else is just passing through." Karl Marx
Folder Of Funny Memes – I like to keep things sequestered away in a folder on my Bookmarks bar that makes me laugh. That way, on a blah day, I can go back through and watch or read them again. It never fails that by the end, I feel more light-hearted than I was before.
“Always work with/surround yourself with people who help make you a better version of you. Kindly avoid those who don't.” Don Roff

Subscribing To A Funny or Inspiring Youtuber – There are some content creators out there that deserve awards, I swear. Some of them get their message across so well and are very talented at what they do. When I’m having a low motivation day, I’ll sometimes see what new videos they have put out. My subscriptions range from humor to educational to even motivational. It really depends on my mood as to which one I will choose.
“To remain far-sighted, you need to surround yourself with far-sighted visionaries. You need to surround yourself with people who think like you. You need to surround yourself with people who speak the same language as you. You need to surround yourself with people who fight and refuse to give up on their destiny. You need to surround yourself with people whose testimonies give you reasons to press on.” D.S. Mashego
Coffee Table Books – A few years ago, someone gifted me a book that was really small and not very long. It was filled with quotes and short stories that were inspirational in nature. I left it at work, right next to my desk, and when the days got tough, I would turn to it and read for a few minutes. It provided me with a distraction, as well as a change in mindset. And just FYI, my newest book is inspired by the gift I received all those years ago.
Confidence-Based Affirmations – And speaking of Youtube, there are some really great videos out there that are set to meditation techniques but speak also to confidence-boosting affirmations. I have listened to these at night when my brain won’t shut off. I have also popped in my Airpods and listened while the kids are watching a show on TV. Whatever it takes to get yourself into a positive space when you find yourself in need!
“You are surrounded by endless possibilities with your potential being the sum total of your beliefs.” Steven Redhead
Energy Boosting Activity – There are times you have to force yourself to do something you really don’t want to do. For me, that’s typically exercising. There are moments when I feel so blah and low energy, and the last thing I want to do is some intense cardio. Or even just walk on a treadmill or outside. But when I force myself to do it, I feel so much more energetic and ready to put in the work that I need to.
“Instead of finding happiness around us, we should develop the habit of leaning within to find true happiness surrounded by positive emotions, thoughts, and ideas.” Dr Prem Jagyasi
Brief Research On Designated Topic – At times, you just need a reminder of what you are setting out to do. I’ve had moments where I open up my laptop, google the topic that I am working on, and start reading. Upon reading for a bit, I remember why it is that I want to accomplish it. After that, I have rejuvenated energy as it pertains to motivation. All of a sudden, I find myself searching for more and making progress.
“Surround yourself , not by those who constantly put on a show , but by those who quietly conquer the world.” Christine E. Szymanski
Niche TikToks – There are so many experts on social media now. Before, you had to find information in physical books and educational journals. Now you can literally watch 60-second videos from people with Doctorate degrees that they made themselves. When I’m not in the right headspace, I will go to some of the people I follow on TikTok that have content within my niche. Seeing the trends out there for my topic and the quality of information available gets me revved up to compile my own work and spread it forward.
“Surround yourself with those conducive to you being your highest self.” A.D. Posey
Picturing The End Result – As it happens, sometimes the end justifies the means. In this case, envisioning the outcome of all of your hard work can motivate you to put in the hours to make it possible. For instance, do you have a dream of opening an ice cream shop? If you take five minutes to daydream about what that would look like, what does it do for you? Do you get more excited? Does it make you want to make moves to get there sooner?
Writing Out A Plan For The Day or Week, or Month – Are you a fan of lists? Therefore, you may just need to put pen to paper to make yourself focus. In order to accomplish your dream, what do you need to do? How long will it take to accomplish? What plan can you make to help these dreams become reality? In summary, putting it out there in black and white can help you successfully visualize it and can boost productivity and motivation.
Create positive space around you, even if it's in your mind. You must have an environment of good energy, in order to give that. Mama Zara Kushandwizdom
Above all, you need to find which combination works best for you. Because when you find what does and then insert it into your life, you create a positive space for realizing your dreams and goals. As a result, I think you’ll find that surrounding yourself with easy-access items that are motivating in nature will help you trend in the right direction. Try out some of the items above or something specific that you have in mind for yourself, and let me know how it helps!

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