Strategizing For The Unknown And The Confusing
Kristyn Meyer is on a journey to make herself the best human that she can be. These posts are a reflection of that. She welcomes your support via reading and through commissioned affiliate links within her posts! To stay up to date on all of her shenanigans, please subscribe to her email list! (psst…there’s a free gift involved)
There are a lot of adjectives that could describe the year 2020 for us. In the interest of a brief summary, let’s go with:
- Dumpster Fire
- Discombobulation
- Hellacious
- Unrivaled
- Hot Mess
That about sums it up.
But now we are into a new year, 2021. And while we have high hopes, it hasn’t been looking so hot yet, and we are only two weeks in.
“So what do we do? Anything. Something. So long as we just don't sit there. If we screw it up, start over. Try something else. If we wait until we've satisfied all the uncertainties, it may be too late. " Lee Iacocca
And because of all that, I made the executive decision that I need to start stockpiling. But no, not toilet paper. Resources. I need to bulk up on the knowledge that I desire to have and get it all together. Not in a nice, tidy binder – but in my brain. Ultimately, what it boils down to is that I need to start strategizing for the unknown. Because let’s face it, there is a lot of that. And then I will use this information as I navigate whatever comes my way. Additionally, I will be able to refer back to it and follow it for any new guidance or instruction that comes.
“Life isn’t meant to be lived perfectly…but merely to be LIVED. Boldly, wildly, beautifully, uncertainly, imperfectly, magically LIVED.” Mandy Hale
I want to be able to proceed through the upcoming year, no matter how daunting it turns out to be, with confidence and a level head. And to do that I have to continue to level up in the knowledge that I possess. I want to be in a position where no matter what comes my way I can take from my arsenal of information and handle myself in a better way than what I may have in the past.
Hence the term “strategizing for the unknown.”
“Have patience with everything that remains unsolved in your heart. ...live in the question.” Rainer Maria Rilke
Now, this may not be beneficial in all areas of life. In the event of a zombie apocalypse or an alien invasion, I will likely sit and cry in a corner. Because those unknowns will prove to be quite tricky. However, the higher degree of intellect that I will possess in items that are related to internal strength will see me through many obstacles that I will come face to face with.
Additionally, you may remember the Family Plan that we created in early 2020? And while that was well-intentioned and we did very well at incorporating it for the first few months of the year…..
Covid hit.
“Let go of certainty. The opposite isn't uncertainty. It's openness, curiosity and a willingness to embrace paradox, rather than choose up sides. The ultimate challenge is to accept ourselves exactly as we are, but never stop trying to learn and grow.” Tony Schwartz
So honestly, although I think it would have worked wonderfully, I’m a little scared to even try it again! Therefore I am tweaking it a bit and relabeling it as strategizing for the unknown.
“In these times I don't, in a manner of speaking, know what I want; perhaps I don't want what I know and want what I don't know.” Marsilio Ficino
So this is my 2021 outline. It’s not strict but loosely formed. It’s about empowering myself and further educating my brain. The base is formed with knowledge and not hard goals. In essence, it’s a plan to help me grow in areas that will aid me in whatever life throws my way in this next year.
So with that.
This is what I have compiled thus far of items that will help me in strategizing for the unknown:
The Confidence Chronicles – I just discovered this one recently. It seems that she and I have similar beginnings in how we started on this path. She also has a book out that I think would benefit me.
The Confidence Podcast – I have not yet listened to this one but some of the most recent episodes sound especially interesting. I think it might be a good addition to my library.
Shift and Uplift – This one has not had any new episodes since 2019, but I still want to listen to the information that is there. It seems that this one is focused on getting yourself aligned internally, which is definitely something I want to work more on.
“Although our intellect always longs for clarity and certainty, our nature often finds uncertainty fascinating.” Carl Von Clausewitz
Think Like A Monk by Jay Shetty – I am actually already about halfway through this one, as I started it in December of 2020. But I am already thinking of all the ways that I can incorporate his learnings into my life going forward.
You Are A Badass: How To Stop Doubting Your Greatness And Start Living An Awesome Life by Jen Sincero – Can you believe I have not yet read this? It’s been on the top of the self-help lists for quite some time. I did start it some time ago but forgot about it. So I want to make a point to finish it.
Everything Is Figureoutable by Marie Forleo – Being that I have said the title of this book as a personal mantra for years, I thought this would be a great addition to my to-read list. It also has really great reviews from some of my favorite authors.
The Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod – I’ve had this on one of my Amazon wish lists for quite some time and I’m hopeful that it will help me tackle my issues in creating a solid morning routine. At least one that works. As an aside, the author’s personal story is amazing as well!
The Magic Of Thinking Big by David Schwartz – This is another one that I have had on my list for some time. But I think that this year is a good time to read this and see what things will benefit me to incorporate into my life and work.
“Nobody knows how things will turn out, that's why they go ahead and play the game...You give it your all and sometimes amazing things happen, but it's hardly ever what you expect.” Gennifer Choldenko
The Gut: Our Second Brain – I’m working to make myself the healthiest I can be both emotionally and physically. This documentary talks specifically about gut health and how it influences other aspects of your wellbeing.
Happy – This one looks really interesting. It’s about a filmmaker that goes around the world to find out what makes other people happy. Because I am constantly on a quest to find happiness, this intrigues me.
Generation Wealth – This has been on my watchlist for a while now. It talks about greed and wealth. I’m hopeful to learn to be happy with less, and I think this will help me with that.
“Embrace relational uncertainty. It's called romance. Embrace spiritual uncertainty. It's called mystery. Embrace occupational uncertainty. It's called destiny. Embrace emotional uncertainty. It's called joy. Embrace intellectual uncertainty. It's called revelation.” Mark Batterson
Also, but on Netflix:
The Mind, Explained – This talks about how the brain functions and why certain things happen. I am always looking to further understand my OCD diagnosis, and I think this could help me in that area.
Tony Robbins: I Am Not Your Guru – I only hear good things about Tony Robbins but I haven’t listened to or read a lot of his material.
“The more you go with the flow of life and surrender the outcome to God, and the less you seek constant clarity, the more you will find that fabulous things start to show up in your life.” Mandy Hale
Personal Challenges
Live Local Challenge – My husband and I want to dedicate an entire month to not venturing out of our small town for anything. We have a grocery store, restaurants, entertainment, etc near us but we often go a bit further out to have access to bigger stores and more variety. We want to challenge ourselves to be happy with what we have and see how well we navigate it.
1st Phorm New Years Transphormation Challenge – This one kind of just fell into my lap and it seemed more feasible than other wellness challenges out there. I was wanting to branch off from what I have been doing the past year and try something new.
“Uncertainty is a quality to be cherished, therefore – if not for it, who would dare to undertake anything?” Auguste de Villiers de L'Isle-Adam
What about you? What are your hopes, goals, dreams for the year? How are you going about a plan? Are you playing it by ear or going full force?

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