Kristyn Meyer is on a journey to make herself the best human she can be. These posts are a reflection of that. She welcomes your support via reading and through commissioned affiliate links within her posts! Please subscribe to her email list to stay up to date on all of her shenanigans! (psst… there’s a free gift involved)
Forging Exciting Affiliate Partnerships With Companies I Love
It’s been a hectic couple of weeks, and the most anxiety-producing event was losing my job.
Obviously, I don’t work for others; I work as a contractor. However, the long-term writing gig I had with a company abruptly ended recently, and I had a heads-up that it was happening of only about three days.
In all honesty, I knew it would happen sooner or later. I have no idea how this company operated for so long with its horrible business practices and lack of proper accounting. I told my husband when I signed on to write full-time for them that I was just going to “ride this wave while it lasts.”
The wave lasted until June 2023, haha.
I have mixed emotions about it. On one hand, the steady income coming to a halt sucks. However, the many unprofessional elements of the firm and the constant back and forth to get paid for my work – well, I bid it adieu.
Thankfully, I am part of a great network of writers and editors that came together after the closure, and I was quickly brought on board two different companies. So that closes the income gap a bit.
Additionally, I was working on a new children’s book before this all happened, so I get to focus more on that now. Illustrations are currently happening, and I can’t wait to share them and the completed story with everyone!
Another exciting opportunity to come forward is the expansion of my affiliate partnerships. For those who aren’t familiar, when you have an online presence, you can apply to work with companies and help them drive business to their websites. This is called affiliate marketing or affiliate partnerships. For a long time, I have worked with Amazon, and you will often see links throughout my content that direct you to products on their website.
I think in all the years I have partnered with them; I have earned about $1.07.
So clearly not lucrative in the least. But hey, maybe someday a person will click on one of my links and decide to buy a high-end television. That commission check would be pretty nice.
A girl can dream, right? I’m choosing to stay positive here.
As you know, I’m a homeschooling mama. I don’t work with just one curriculum, although we do love Masterbooks for math. For a while, I have wanted to find something fun to help my kids learn about the world and the various cultures within it. I think it’s so important for kids to understand the world they live in, and I’m a huge culture nerd myself, so was itching to incorporate it into our schooling.
In my search, I kept seeing ads for Little Passports. However, I didn’t know if it was what I was looking for. I kept looking.
Then one day, I found a promo code and decided to order and try it out. I can now say I’m sorry that I waited as long as I did.
Every month we get a package in the mail that focuses on a different country. The company curates materials for each country and sends them on a schedule. This month we got France, which is super convenient because we are going there in September. Next month is Egypt, which we will be exploring next year. We’ve also learned about Japan and Brazil!
The ability for all of us to learn about these countries before we go on vacation, through hands-on activities and easy-to-understand stories, is incredible and helps prepare the kids for our upcoming adventures. Not only that but getting a better understanding of geography and the cultures of the world is highly beneficial.
What Do You Get With Little Passports?
The first shipment came with a cute blue suitcase, and every month you get a new sticker to put on it that corresponds with the country you’re learning about. Also, in the first mailing, you get a world map, and every month they send a sticker that you place on the country you are learning about.
There are many items that you get with your packages, including the following:
- Chapter book about the travels of Sam and Sofia, the main characters, and their magic scooter
- A craft that relates to the country
- Booklet of recipes, facts, and activities specific to the country
- A collectors coin
- Sticker sheet
As I read the book out loud, the kids will work on the activities or crafts and listen to the story. They get to learn key phrases from each country’s language as well as different cultural traditions.
Let’s Loop Back
So, to bring this back to the affiliate partnerships I was speaking about, I decided to see if Little Passports had a program that I could join. Turns out they do! However, they don’t approve very many people for it. I didn’t know this at the time, or I probably wouldn’t have tried (I know, bad reason). My blog is still small, and there are definitely larger platforms that have a greater amount of traffic.
However, a week later, I found out I was approved! So now I get to be part of the Little Passports family. And that’s not the only good news!
A Special Offer For A Human In Training Readers!
I asked them if I could get a special promo code for readers who want to try it out but are hesitant (like I once was). And they said yes!
So for this week (June 26-30, 2023), you can input the promo code AHIT25 and receive 25% off of a six or twelve-month subscription! Just remember – (A) (H)uman (I)n (T)raining 25. AHIT25.
Check it out! I guarantee you and your children will love it. It’s fun for the whole family and doesn’t even feel like learning. It’s the perfect way to keep their brains engaged throughout the summer!

This is epic!