Kristyn Meyer is on a journey to make herself the best human she can be. These posts are a reflection of that. She welcomes your support via reading and commissioned affiliate links within her posts! Please subscribe to her email list to stay up to date on all of her shenanigans! (psst… there’s a free gift involved)
In case you have forgotten who I am, my name is Kristyn.
You can also call me KMoney$; it’s fine.
I used to post here regularly. As in, several times per month, you would see new content via my written word.
Then my freelance writing took off, which was my ultimate goal. I quit my corporate job to write full-time. My blog served as a portfolio that got me many jobs from all over the globe.
But that’s not all it did.
When I started it up, my confidence and self-esteem were in the crapper. After six years in a job where I was constantly gaslit into thinking literally everything was my fault, combined with family issues, my heart was broken in a million different ways.
Writing has always been therapy to me, and venting out my struggles and challenges to the world through this blog has helped me in so many ways.
- I took steps to be a certified confidence coach to help myself and others.
- I created a confidence curriculum for a client.
- I realized that I’m not as horrible as people made me out to be.
During those times, I could feel my happiness rise. I could feel the weight being lifted off my shoulders as I started to put the pieces together and love the person I was.
And I am forever thankful for that.
Have you ever heard – “A person comes into your life for a reason, a season, or a lifetime?”
I believe that wholeheartedly, but I also think that circumstances are in place for a reason, a season, or a lifetime.
I think something or someone pulled me to do a deep dive into confidence and self-esteem building for a reason. Obviously, my lack of having either was at the top of that list. But I think others benefitted from it all as well. And actually, they still do. The number of views I get on this blog from complete strangers every day shows me that those posts of mine are still making an impact. They are also letting others know that they aren’t alone.
However, I’m ready for something new.

I miss blogging. But I don’t miss writing about confidence and self-esteem. With all the information out there, I feel like I don’t have anything more to lend outside of my personal experiences, which I have already shared for the most part.
For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to travel the world. I used to say that I wanted my children to go to kindergarten with a passport full of stamps from exploring all the different countries.
But life happened as it does. And oddly enough, since quitting my corporate job, the number of trips my family has taken has increased exponentially. While Covid put a bit of a damper on things, we have been busy making up for the lost time.
Since December, we have visited:
- New York City, New York
- Disney World
- Fort Myers, Florida
- Chicago, Illinois
- Las Vegas, Nevada
and in the next few weeks – Pigeon Forge, Tennessee
We don’t plan to slow down. Life has so graciously afforded us the ability to explore, and I am taking full advantage.
So what will I do?
Long ago, my husband and I decided to forego a big wedding in order to take a 10-day trip to China the following year. To document our travels, we created a blog called “Kristyn and Jacob Take On The World.”
It was pretty amazing the reception we got. My mom especially loved it, and if I didn’t update in a timely manner, I would get emails from across the country asking why she hadn’t seen a new post. The 12-hour time difference was tough to navigate when people at home wanted more, lol.
Anyway, we then went on to adopt our son Jake, and I wanted to change the title to “Kristyn and the Jacob’s Take On The World.” However, a few things happened.
- The Jacob’s didn’t want to change the name
- After we blogged a few trips, our website was hacked, and we lost everything
I seriously mourn the loss of all those stories and pictures we posted. Yes, I still have the images in other areas, but having descriptions of our days and our adventures would be so nice. However, we know more now than we did then, and having backed-up data is a priority.
So that brings me here. I want to start documenting my travels again to make those time capsule-style memories for the future. And I feel like I have gained a tremendous amount of knowledge when it comes to navigating trips with children and for cheaper than you might think. I want to share that as well so that maybe others can jump on the travel train (or plane or car) if they wish.
I will keep all my content from before on this blog. I may even post about those topics if the need arises. Ultimately, I just want to write about what I want to write about. That includes more travel but could also expand to fit whatever is on my mind on any given day. You never know; we are just starting fresh here!

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Your passion for your subject is inspiring.
Very cool