Guess Who’s Back, Back Again?
Kristyn Meyer is on a journey to make herself the best human that she can be. These posts are a reflection of that. She welcomes your support via reading and through commissioned affiliate links within her posts! To stay up to date on all of her shenanigans, please subscribe to her email list! (psst… there’s a free gift involved)
Kristyn’s back; tell your friends!
When you read the title and sentence above, I want you to envision me doing the dice-throw dance move because that’s what I am doing.
Long time – no post!
As requested by absolutely none of you, I am writing to update you about where I have been and why I haven’t been blogging.
When I left my job over two years ago, my goal was to write and preferably get paid for it. I had a few writing clients through Upwork when I quit and this blog. The blog is the reason that I got writing clients to begin with. I used this as a portfolio of my work, and people often commented that they loved my conversational tone and wanted more of it. So they hired me to do the same thing on their web pages.
I took on different types of gigs that would come my way over the past two years. Some of them I enjoyed, and some of them I didn’t.
I very quickly learned that the most remarkable thing about being your own boss is that you can say no to whatever you want. Unless I absolutely needed the money for whatever, I did not have to say yes to a job I didn’t enjoy or feel good about.
I’ve gained some long-term clients and broken up with clients. I did some user testing for a while, but it was more frustrating than anything.
In April, a prominent writing firm reached out to me to work with them, temporarily writing a minimum of 10k words a week. That went on for about six weeks, and then they asked me to stay on with them. At the same time, my Fiverr profile exploded, Upwork went crazy, and school was let out for the summer.
My blog went to the back burner.
At first, I felt bad about it, but then I realized – it did what I wanted it to do. I want to be a writer. I want to get paid to be a writer.
This blog helped me to get to that point. My being too busy to blog is precisely what I wanted to have happen.
There are some weeks when I find myself very stressed out from all the competition deadlines and revision requests. On top of all that, I decided to homeschool my daughter this year. Although it’s going great, and I love it, it does throw a wrench into available writing times.
However, I’ve gotten to such a high level with my writing that I had to acquire an accountant to help me manage everything. A Human In Training is now an official LLC! I had to open business accounts and have a special section in my will about a succession plan if I were to expire.
Things are a-changin’. And I’m here for it.
I am 100% living my best life. To think that I started this blog because I was not happy in my life seems so foreign to me now. I have put in the work to reverse that. The difficult conversations have been had; acceptance has taken place even when I haven’t wanted it to; boundaries have been made, and the hustle has been on fire.
I feel like a completely different person than I was at the birth of this blog. No longer am I the person who didn’t want to get out of bed in the morning. I no longer feel inadequate in my work.
Am I more confident? Yes, without a doubt.
Am I 100%?
Not at all, and I’m not sure that I ever will be.
Even just recently, I have had moments where I feel like the unpopular kid. My brain reverts to high school, and I go into a funk. But that funk only lasts a short period, whereas before, I would have dwelled on it. Because now I know that it isn’t worth my energy. If others don’t see my worth, then that’s a shame.
Because I’m pretty amazing. And loyal. I won’t let you take advantage of me because I have now learned boundaries, but I am here for you as long as you don’t abuse them.
I am a fantastic human who is still and will always be in training. And I’ve worked my butt off to get here.
With all of that being said, I do not plan to shut down this blog. It’s nice to be able to come and write freely instead of writing about subjects others request of me. However, I will not be on here routinely. It’ll be more of an as I can basis. Hopefully, that won’t be six months next time!
Thanks for sticking with me!