Tag Archives: a human in training

How To Self-Care And Be Productive When Working From Home

Guest post from Georgi Todorov of DigitalNovas about the importance of making self-care a priority while working from home.

Why Don’t I Have Friends Like Susan?

I’m struggling with some misplaced emotions right now. I know the best way to get through it is to sit in them for a bit. But it’s so hard.

Motivational Reading That Inspires And Keeps You Laughing

I had heard about this book many times, and I’m so glad I purchased it when I did.

Forgiving Yourself For What You Did

It took a random Youtube video to put me at peace with my past. I wish it had happened sooner.

Train Your Brain To Shut The Hell Up

One of the biggest obstacles to accomplishing our dreams is our own brain. Train Your Brain To Shut The Hell Up.

How Do You Determine Your Self-Worth?

Self-worth and self-esteem are critical, but only when established on an internal level.