Kristyn Meyer is on a journey to make herself the best human she can be. These posts are a reflection of that. She welcomes your support via reading and through commissioned affiliate links within her posts! Please subscribe to her email list to stay up to date on all of her shenanigans! (psst… there’s a free gift involved)
I Almost Pulled the Plug
It’s true. Until about 11 PM last night, this blog was going to no longer exist. I was planning to shut it down.
As it was, I had auto-renewal turned off on my hosting; I backed up all my posts so I would still have them. I was going to keep the domain name in case I wanted to pick it back up in the future. But the blog itself wouldn’t be there.
And then, at 11 PM last night, I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t part with it, even if it were just temporary. So I went straight back to Bluehost and renewed my hosting package.
Why Would I Shut It Down?
I started this blog a bit before quitting my corporate job. Originally it was for me to spew my many emotions, and if someone read it, then someone read it.
Then after I quit, I put more time into it, as I had more time to give. I started to incorporate confidence-building insight because I was working on it for myself after my toxic work environment departure. I got certified as a Confidence Coach and wanted to pass on the knowledge that I had.
After a while, I started to burn out on all of that. Every blog seemed to be writing the same stuff, and while I offered my unique perspective, it wasn’t fulfilling me.
However, my freelance writing had taken off, and we were traveling a lot more. I loved the travel blog that we previously had as a family (RIP kristynandjacobtakeontheworld.com) and thought maybe I would pivot and do that.
So, What Was the Problem?
The problem is time. I don’t have it like I once did. There was a period when I put out new blog posts several times a month, even once a week. But now I am homeschooling two kids. We have another business to run, my husband works full-time on top of the business, and I write full-time for a company.
When I would think of this blog and how I was neglecting it, it made me feel like I was failing at what I set out to do. I have a post in my drafts about seeing the Rockettes in New York City that I have yet to finish, and that trip was over a year ago.
In my head, if I shut it down, it would help me not to feel like I had to do it. Without it staring me in the face (not literally, but it is a bookmark on my bookmark bar, so I see it all the time), I wouldn’t fret about carving out time to write a post or send something out via my mailing list.
But I Couldn’t Do It
I didn’t have it in me. The number of hours I have put into this blog can’t be counted. I once checked myself into a hotel for the weekend to write and spent 75% of the time reconfiguring this blog to make the load speed faster. And we all know that I’m not a tech person, so I had to teach myself everything to make it how I wanted it.
Overall, this blog represents a lot, and I’m not ready to shut it down. I don’t typically react adversely to commitment, but my hands start to sweat when I think of sticking to just one niche for my writing. Therefore, this blog will likely have a bit of everything from now on.
The nice thing about that is that readers will likely be able to find at least something on my blog to read of interest. The downfall is that it won’t fit neatly into a box with all the other blogs and their niches.
However, those who know me in real life know I also don’t fit neatly into a box. I’ve been on top of, next to, inside, and miles away from the box since birth. So really, this perfectly aligns with who I am as a person.
Parting Thoughts
Am I the only one who looked at that heading, and their mind went to “Farting Thoughts?” Yeah, just me? Okay.
If you’ve stuck around this long, thank you. Part of being a business owner or creator of any kind is seeing who has your back and supports you. Sometimes it’s a wake-up call; other times, it’s reassuring. Regardless, it’s life.
I hope to see you around and in the comments (which I have to approve because all I get is spam with sexual innuendos). I haven’t sent anything out in a long time, but subscribing to my email list will also help us stay in touch! I haven’t shut it down, so I’ll be sure to send something out soon!