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Goal Planner: My Quest To Find The Best

Goal Planner- My Quest To Find The Best

Goal Planner: My Quest To Find The Best

Kristyn Meyer is on a journey to make herself the best human that she can be. These posts are a reflection of that. She welcomes your support via reading and through commissioned affiliate links within her posts! To stay up to date on all of her shenanigans, please subscribe to her email list!(psst…there’s a free gift involved)

I have been searching for a while for the perfect journal to document the goals that I have for myself. I want something that helps me with timelines and future thinking, not anything that causes me to reflect on something daily for a year. Not that it’s a bad thing to do that, but I’m a more concrete person.

I spent some time at the BN (Barnes and Noble) recently but none of them struck my fancy. They all had certain elements that I liked, but didn’t have everything I desired. And there were some that gave writing prompts for each day, which is neat, but not what I’m looking for.

This ad for one called Commit 30 kept popping up all over my social media (creeeeepy), which was close but not exactly “the one”.

Rachel Hollis recently came out with her version of a goal planner, but I wasn’t completely sold. They come in really cute designs though.

I finally settled on this one – Simple Elephant Planner – Best Daily & Weekly Agenda to Achieve Your Goals & Live Happier – Gratitude Journal, Mindmap & Vision Board.

Goal Planner: My Quest To Find The Best

I would honestly suggest that anyone looking for a way to work towards goals or make new habits, use THIS goal planner.

I’m really loving it. I set different milestones for myself every week or so, and it has a place to document what successes you had and also what things you could do differently. Then you can also plan out for the months ahead. It helps me to see (outside of my google calendar if I remember to update it) what types of workouts I have done in the past few weeks and if I need to change things up. And I really love the mindmap/vision board section. I’ve only started on the mindmap part, not yet the vision board.

I feel like because it’s on paper and there’s no delete option, it’s a permanent thing.

That makes it a big deal.

And this goal planner makes things happen!

And I have to really want to do these things if I am going to make them non-erasable. Therefore, I need to do some solid thinking before I commit to the vision board piece.

So no vision map and only a partial mindmap, but the juices are flowing and I’m getting there.

I’m getting there.

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